Circa: 2016 (February)
Artist: Palethius Designs (Jonathan Merz)
Number Made: 5
Owner(s): Undisclosed
Mutanization done by Palethius Designs. This series took on a very vibrant approach to color through anodization. Palethius added additional milling to the handles and allowed the angles to reflect different colors and tones. The contrast looks brilliant and the design cues gave this series an aggressive appeal. In addition to handle mods each knife took on a new blade grind and finish.
The series names were influenced after the Suicide Squad Series Comic Book characters based on the colors.
Quinn: Full flat, crowned spine, square chevrons, tapered chevron channel, full handle chamfer, ano- royal blue/fuchsia, polished handle face
Ice: Drop point, modeled after Midtech Run, crowned spine, square chevrons, ano - 2-tone aqua/translucent light blue, polished face, stone washed between chevrons.
Boomerang: Acid Wash blade, Chamfered Spine, Square Chevrons, Filed Chevrons, Ano- royal Blue/Blue, head blasted finish.
Croc: Jeweled Blade, crowned spine, square chevrons, Ano - Green, Polished handle face.
Duela: Bowie, crowned spoine, square chevrons, full handle chamfer, ano - high voltage blue/green/fushia, polished handle face.